Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saige's Newest Words

Some of the newest words that she is saying: pillow, bib, Caillou, laundry. Of course the words are not perfectly clear but when she wants you to hand her the pillow, she looks at it and it's pretty darn close. She also takes her bib and tries to put them on her dolly Chrissa.

Caillou is one of her favorite shows right now, if not THE favorite. Last week she was calling it Cai but this week she has completed the entire word.

Last night I asked her to help me with the laundry and she said laundry while unfolding all of the clothes I had just folded.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We went to Point Pleasant with my parents and sister for Labor Day weekend. The waters were closed because of a bad hurricane that was causing rip tides. Saige went on a lot of rides and we ate junk food and got to see the waves come crashing into the beach which was absolutely beautiful. Here are some pictures:

Monday, August 30, 2010

From Momma to Mommy

So I'm no longer Momma but rather Mommy. I'm so excited =-)). I had been so jealous when she immediately called Jay, Daddy (Dayee) but there's no need to be jealous anymore b/c I'm MOMMY!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dutchess County Fair Trip

We took Saige up to Dutchess County for her first fair!!! Maria, Rodney and Lucas were able to join my parents, sister and Marie. There was so much to do that we didn't make the rides but we did A LOT of good food, one of the best things about the fair. Our parents always used to bring us up to the fair every year so I am hoping to continue the tradition with my family now.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Animal Sounds

Saige started making different animal noises last week. Sara aka T had been working with her so she now says the following animals. If you ask her for cat you get meow, dog you get woof woof. Elephant her arm goes up and she makes an elephant noise and she roars, hand and all if you ask her to tell you what a lion says.

I'm hoping to get this on video and upload it so I have it on the website for all to see.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aunt Felicia and Uncle Lee's Visit

Felicia and Lee were able to come up and visit with Saige in August. We went to visit Gary and Kathi and the kids and to wish Ross good luck before he leaves for college. Uncle Lee is going to teach Saige how to play the piano and the drums, we are all very excited =-)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Uncle Jay and Aunt Althea's Wedding

Saige was asked to be in Jason's wedding as their flower girl. The rehearsal went great, she walked down the aisle with Kylie, did a great job and we were so proud of her. The day of the wedding, she was doing really well with Kylie and then the first couple started to walk down and Saige started to cry. We didn't want her to be upset and ruin the pictures or be screaming and ruin the ceremony so we decided to pick her up and carry her with us. She danced the night away with us at the reception and it was a great experience. As Althea said in her speech, she knows that Saige won't remember this day but with this family, there will be tons of pictures to remind her.

Here are just some of those pictures from their big day...